
Apple Sparkling Wine

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Unveiling the newest chapter in our natural winemaking journey – our 2022 vintage of The Lovers. In the spirit of simple abundance, this pét-nat style sparkling wine is made only with island-sourced apples (including a few from the Lovers Lane orchard, just down the road). As we raise a glass to this special blend, we celebrate the seasons of the heart and the orchard, cherishing the fleeting moments that inspired its inception.

The Lovers begins with age-till-waxy 2022 season heritage King apples from island orchards, pressed and spontaneously fermented over the long winter. We allow it to take its time, cofermenting with new orchard apples from Lovers Lane until nearly still. We dose just before bottling with heritage crabapples reserved from the 2021 season – for perfect bubbles, depth and a unique season blending expression of our orchard terroir. 100% island apples – two vintages one rare bottling. Sounds like love to us.

Cases produced: 21
Alcohol 8% per volume

She’s lively! Bottles are not disgorged and need to be served cold after settling upright for a day or so after shipping.